I am obsessed with time. I like to be at places at exact times, although my mom might argue with me about that. Sometimes I feel like my life is set to the tick of a clock rather than the free will of my brain. I go to class, eat lunch, drive home, and work on homework at about the same times every day. It makes me wonder if humans run the time or if time runs the humans. I made this clock to celebrate the tension and ambiguity of my relationship with time.

Clock Head

Before I got the watch I now wear every day, I had a cheap Armitron that I modified to be a bit more colorful (seen below to the left). I set that watch to beep every hour which was helpful to keep track of time throughout the day. Although, when I retired that watch, replacing it with something far better, I stored it in a box under my bed where it continued to beep every single hour. I remember at some point making an attempt to turn it off and failing so it continued to beep all hours of the day. I decided that instead of getting rid of the watch, I would give it new life as a desk clock. I deconstructed the watch and removed the electronics which I installed in a 3D-printed case in the shape of a head. Now it lives on my desk and is a favorite project of those who observe my work. It stands as an offputting nod to the control that we give to inhuman systems.


Pastel Clock


Coat Rack